PhD thesis

From alpha to beta ocean: Exploring the role of surface buoyancy fluxes and seawater thermal expansion in setting the upper ocean stratification

I am very happy and proud to present my PhD thesis to you.

From alpha to beta ocean: Exploring the role of surface buoyancy fluxes and seawater thermal expansion in setting the upper ocean stratification

The thesis is a compilation of articles, which is made of the so-called “kappa” (a Swedish word concept that more or less means summary) and the appended articles. The articles can be found at the following links:

You can click on the cover below to access the pdf version of the thesis, or follow these links for only the kappa, 5.6MB, or the full thesis with appended articles, 50MB.

Cover page of Romain Caneill's PhD thesis

The defence will be held on January 18 in Gothenburg; a zoom link is to be announced.

The content of the thesis is licenced under a Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0), except for the figures (they have a copyright from the journals in which they were published or a copyright to their authors).

The thesis is also available online on, has ISBN numbers, and the sources have a DOI:

I published the template of the thesis on Framagit under a MIT licence: